
Did you receive an inquiry about buying 野花社区 insurance?聽 We are not an insurance company.

If you are solicited to purchase 野花社区 Insurance, please read below.

野花社区 is not a health insurance company and does not sell insurance directly or indirectly through agents or brokers. 野花社区 is not affiliated with anyone or any entity that claims to be selling 野花社区 health plans or insurance policies.

Why is 野花社区 contacting me to purchase insurance?

野花社区 is not affiliated with anyone that claims to be selling 野花社区 health plans or insurance policies. The person or organization contacting you was likely misrepresenting themselves as 野花社区.

Why are people trying to sell me insurance?

Sometimes insurance providers or third-party sellers will contact people directly to attempt to sell them health insurance. MulitPlan, however, never calls people to attempt to sell insurance nor will ever do so.

I have a 野花社区 logo on my insurance card. What does this mean?

The 野花社区 Network is a nationwide complementary PPO network. Your health plan is most likely utilizing the 野花社区 Network to give you access to an additional choice of providers that have agreed to offer a discount for services. Primary PPO and selection of a 野花社区 Network provider will lead to the lowest out-of-pocket costs to you.

What to do when you receive false solicitations of 野花社区 insurance.

If you receive a solicitation for health insurance (via phone, fax, or email), you should conduct independent research to confirm the validity of the solicitation before providing any information or making a payment. The underwriter and/or administrator of the plan should be able to provide you with the corporate name under which they are regulated to do business as well as either a summary of the plan or a copy of the policy. You can then confirm this information with your state鈥檚 insurance department. Below are some additional resources that might help:

April, 2020 –