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Our Health Plan Partners in Texas

ProgramService AreaOur Health Plan Partners
STARRural Service Area
CHIP and CHIP PerinatalRural Service Area

State Web Resources

Health and Human 野花社区 Commission:听

Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP):

National Provider Identifier (NPI)

TMHP requires that all Medicaid providers annually register their NPI data for each of their current Texas Provider Identifiers (TPI) to TMHP. TMHP will deny or reject claims submitted without this information.听

  • To report your NPI number, contact TMHP online at听听or call听1-800-925-9126.
  • To apply for an NPI number, contact the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) online at听听or call听1-800-465-3203.

Provider Newsletter and Email Updates

To receive information, including our 野花社区 “Partnership” provider newsletter, invitations to education meetings, and other helpful updates via e-mail, send your name and e-mail address, along with your practice name, address, phone number and TIN or NPI number to听[email protected].

Are you a patient?

Please refer to your patient ID card for directions on where to find program information and to find a directory of healthcare providers that participate in your state鈥檚 healthcare program.